6: Prey: See Homefront, sequel on the way
1: The Talos Principle - 1st person puzzler with twisted sense of humour and one the best games I've ever played.
2: Portal & Portal 2 - More puzzle action and a load of fun with great humour
3: Shadow Warrior : THE best FPS shooter of the last 5 years as far as I'm concerned, buy it and buy it now. Sequel on the the way later this year.
4: Singularity: Cheap as chips run of the mill FPS shooter with a decent story and it looks nice too.
5: Homefront: See Singularity
6: Prey: See Homefront, sequel on the way.
Of the above get Shadow Warrior its honestly utterly brilliant and a very under rated and little talked about game!
I am on the search for some good proper single player FPS games that are mouse and keyboard.
maybe its my age (43) but I just can't seem to get on with 3rd person games. or using controllers in shooters
There are so many great FPS games and I'm with you on the pad issue. I also find them utterly useless and far too slow and cumbersome for FPS games where quick reactions are needed.
F.E.A.R. / Extraction Point / Perseus Mandate are a good shout. Great storyline.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Series, with the Complete mods. Some of the best games I've ever played.
I loved Chernobyl and bought the rest but never played them because I didn't really understood what happened at the end.![]()
Just started playing Vanishing of Ethan Carter, whilst its more FP than FPS is good for something a bit different.