FPS Games

1: The Talos Principle - 1st person puzzler with twisted sense of humour and one the best games I've ever played.
2: Portal & Portal 2 - More puzzle action and a load of fun with great humour
3: Shadow Warrior : THE best FPS shooter of the last 5 years as far as I'm concerned, buy it and buy it now. Sequel on the the way later this year.
4: Singularity: Cheap as chips run of the mill FPS shooter with a decent story and it looks nice too.
5: Homefront: See Singularity
6: Prey: See Homefront :D, sequel on the way.

Of the above get Shadow Warrior its honestly utterly brilliant and a very under rated and little talked about game!

For me shadow warrior got overshadowed (haha) by Wolfenstein. Need to go back to shadow warrior though as I was enjoying it.
I am on the search for some good proper single player FPS games that are mouse and keyboard.

maybe its my age (43) but I just can't seem to get on with 3rd person games. or using controllers in shooters

There are so many great FPS games and I'm with you on the pad issue. I also find them utterly useless and far too slow and cumbersome for FPS games where quick reactions are needed.

Some excellent games mentioned already but even though you say you want SP, id also consider these:

Left 4 Dead 2 - Brilliant game and best played in pickups because it makes for some intense moments.
Halo - Not a bad port at all. Well worth a look.
Fallout 3 - Outstanding and huuuuuuuge.
Dead Island - A much better game that the reviews would suggest. I loved it.
Dying Light - Similar To Dead Island and Mirrors Edge
Thief - The latest instalment is excellent however, I'd also buy Thief 3 as I found that the best in the series.
Black Mesa - HD update of Half Life. It's incredible and completely redesigned and best of all, the game stops before the alien world. Winner. Also get HL2 HD.
There are so many great FPS games and I'm with you on the pad issue. I also find them utterly useless and far too slow and cumbersome for FPS games where quick reactions are needed.

Right with you on this. I don't even use the pad for games like Batman, GTAV and Tomb Raider. The K&M just offers so much more freedom that whenever I use the pad it feels like having my arms bound together.
F.E.A.R. / Extraction Point / Perseus Mandate are a good shout. Great storyline.

As above. FEAR!

Those were the last great single player made for PC slick mouse n keyboard FPS games that I can remember. (over 10 years ago was it that FEAR game out?). Since the consolification of the gaming market, AAA titles have been made primarily with a gamepad in mind and whilst there have been many great single player games in the past 10 years, none of them offer the kind of slick gun battles and playability seen in the likes of FEAR, that can only be delivered through a game focused around mouse n keyboard.

I recently downloaded Counter Strike: Global Offensive and as basic as the concept may well be, I am finding the game very compelling due simply to how slick the game controls with keyboard n mouse. The level of accuracy required and recorded in this game is immense. A modern state of the art shooter such as BF4 feels totally fudged in comparison.

I play most single player games with gamepad these days, simply because they are being made with gamepad in mind and therefore, gamepad is generally the best way to play them.....but there is a lot to be said for an mouse n keyboard centred FPS, and it is sad that you have to go back 10 years to find the last great one.
getting on a bit 12yrs old or so now but Chaser was a cracking fps. should find it very cheap.

If you can ignore the graphics it's well worth a punt.
I loved Chernobyl and bought the rest but never played them because I didn't really understood what happened at the end. :confused:

Ha! Me too! Never really had a clue what happening at the end of S.O.C lol! Didn't stop me playing the others though. In terms of an FPS/RPG style game series, nothing has come close for me in terms of atmosphere and depth of play. Loved them.

Just started playing Vanishing of Ethan Carter, whilst its more FP than FPS is good for something a bit different.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a hidden gem. Amazing graphics and beautiful fast paced action.

There's also the first two Sniper Elite games. They're third person, but play like fps games.The last one was poor though.
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