FPS - suggestions?

9 Dec 2006
fancy a FPS New game to play

Already have all the Battlefield SO they can be discarded. (recently tried bf4 again was ok!)

COD is pointless with its 56GB updates every week, till they fix there engine & coding for better streaming updates im not giving them money

Overwatch - i enjoy but fancy something less Team reliant for to increase my own skill.

Cyberpunk ?
oh wait , its not released yet, next month

100% squad....amazing fps..best on pc imo

Doom Eternal ?

Titanfall 2, great shooter.
Apex Legends same engine and guns pretty much also great and free!

Insurgency Sandstorm

and another +1 for Squad. Or Post Scriptum for a WW2 version.

Tarkov is on my 'to play' list.

Cyperpunk so waiting for this + my 3090 :D

Doom got original i dont think i like the changes to number 2

apex legends - battle royale...

insurgency - been there done that

Titanfall 2 - Completed

Tarkov not sure.. will look into
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