FPS - suggestions?


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

I dont think its as bad as people make out, I have been playing it a lot over the last year, and I have reported a few with a pretty good ban rate, but really not that many, I certainly wouldnt say its rife with cheating, and I have noted less and less as time goes on. With a decent pair of headphones you can really pinpoint people just by listening so it might look like you are cheating, and some people are just really bloody good. I think the skill level at this stage is generally very high and quite a high skill curve (for me anyway) so it is hard if you are new.

I have had a few people intententially team kill me over the last few weeks though, one last night although he get a week ban after I reported that one. No idea why either, team of 3 pretty sure they knew each other from up north in England I think. Week before last someone else teamkilled me because I "disrespected him" - although I have no idea why as I basically saved his ass from getting killed.

Its good if you can get a regular team to play with, I play it with my 2 brothers so 3 of us, slight disadvantage against 4's but we still get the odd win. Saying that I've pulled quite a few recently dropping solo on teams and still winning.

When I build my PC pending the release of the new AMD CPU (very soon hopefully) I might give squad a go. I dont like the COD style twich shooters full of 12 years old with low attention spans and better reactions then me!!!!
I dont think its as bad as people make out, I have been playing it a lot over the last year, and I have reported a few with a pretty good ban rate, but really not that many, I certainly wouldnt say its rife with cheating, and I have noted less and less as time goes on. With a decent pair of headphones you can really pinpoint people just by listening so it might look like you are cheating, and some people are just really bloody good. I think the skill level at this stage is generally very high and quite a high skill curve (for me anyway) so it is hard if you are new.

I have had a few people intententially team kill me over the last few weeks though, one last night although he get a week ban after I reported that one. No idea why either, team of 3 pretty sure they knew each other from up north in England I think. Week before last someone else teamkilled me because I "disrespected him" - although I have no idea why as I basically saved his ass from getting killed.

Its good if you can get a regular team to play with, I play it with my 2 brothers so 3 of us, slight disadvantage against 4's but we still get the odd win. Saying that I've pulled quite a few recently dropping solo on teams and still winning.

When I build my PC pending the release of the new AMD CPU (very soon hopefully) I might give squad a go. I dont like the COD style twich shooters full of 12 years old with low attention spans and better reactions then me!!!!

I've been playing online shooters for the last 20 odd years and have to say PUBG is the one where I've noticed the most cheaters (although to be fair, it's also the only one I've played a lot in the last 8 years or so since my son was born!).

Definitely agree with what you say about a regular team though, play pretty much exclusively with my brothers and a couple of friends (there's usually at least 2-3 of us on).
Am quite enjoying Squad after a couple of rounds but really struggling to identify the enemy. First kill was a team kill lol but since then just figuring out where shooting is coming from, who's doing it and where i should be shooting is really hard.
If you aim down your site at a player either a name or colour will show above there heads if its a team mate, if nothing shows above there head its a enemy :)
Yeah i get that but it doesn't help if i'm dead before the colour shows.

Check your map constantly, and know where all your teammates are.

If you see someone infront of you, and you just that second checked your map and know that no friendlies are infront of you, you can open fire.

The rest of it will just come down to communicating with your team, and learning the enemy uniforms.
hahahaha it takes some getting used to but everyone is in the same boat, i play pretty slow so usually have plenty of time to see if its an enemy or not usually before they see me, my poop shooting skills dosnt always make sure i kill them first however lol
I'm getting a little frustrated because I tend to die before I see anyone to shoot if I press the front lines or play sneaky.
I'm getting a little frustrated because I tend to die before I see anyone to shoot if I press the front lines or play sneaky.
I have the same problem with games like this. I played hell let loose and everyone's shooting away and I'm there like "what are you guys shooting at? I don't see anyone?" and they're like "that brown smudge over there is a bad guy, how can you not see it!"
CS:GO. The skill ceiling is the highest of all fps games though so it might be a little daunting if you've never played any iteration of counter strike before.
Does look good but are voice comms critical?
Yes. I’ve put over 100 hours (118) into Squad a few years ago though now. Voice comms certainly are critical.
You actually get kicked from some Squads / games if you don’t have voice comms enabled.

I played with a few ex military (Turkish & Russian) who thankfull spoke English quite well. They were happy with new people playing if you used even basic voice comms like spotting enemies. Half the time I didnt understand what was going on as it was military comms (i think) but still a very fun game

Cracking game. Might re-install it and see how it plays now on my new 5800x

old pics




look for the guy on the left of the bunker. Well hidden








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I have the same problem with games like this. I played hell let loose and everyone's shooting away and I'm there like "what are you guys shooting at? I don't see anyone?" and they're like "that brown smudge over there is a bad guy, how can you not see it!"
haha yes I know what you mean, I think my first couple of games I was going like 3 kills for 40 deaths. But if your still keen on giving the game a try I have a few different video setting that could help you out to see better.

I think there are a few videos out on youtube that can help you out but if you need a helping hand give me a shout.
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