The stock is arriving today. As the ETA is today our website shows as overdue.
The stock is arriving today. As the ETA is today our website shows as overdue.
Or, is it possible for you to check whether I'm "on the list" - OC921632? Thanks!
accept paypal and that can be 14 for youDown to less than 15 units of free stock left already.
accept paypal and that can be 14 for you
I know that... just letting you know you're missing out on a sale because of itSorry, we don't accept Paypal. Plus we are down to 13 now.
I know that... just letting you know you're missing out on a sale because of it
Transfer the funds to your bank. Pay on Credit Card, then you can pay it off from you Paypal transfer, before interest is applied.
Woohoo! Dispatched this morning!