OK time for some pictures, I got this finished late Friday night. I'm quite pleased with the build.
The case is very grown up no big sticky out flash in your face bits, nice and simple imo.
The front door is kept shut with a very positive magnet, on opening the door you have 2 5 1/2 inch drive bays and 2x120mm fans with dust filters. With having the door, I could not have my fan controller exposed. I still wanted the controller, so i mounted it set back and replaced the 5 1/2 inch bay blank.
Still keeping it simple you have the power button, audio, 2 usb and e sata on the top of the case. The power button has a blue led.
The case is VERY heavy as sound deadening material is mounted on a lot of the inner faces. This dose a good job in keeping the noise down.
Air flow is good, it keeps a q9550 4.0 ghz @ 65 deg c. And the 470's in sli at a max of 72 deg c when folding / running fur mark. I could fit 2 more fans, but I don't think they are required for this build.
Internally the case gives a nice build, all the cables are routed around the back of the mobo tray. There a re convenient cut outs for you to bring them back round to the mobo. The cpu has a cut out in the tray, so you can remove the cooler, without removing the mobo. It also allows you to mount 8x HDD. I like the black and white combo.
This is a case i would buy again. Any questions please ask.