Framed - Daily movie screenshot quiz akin to Wordle/Nerdle/Heardle

Ok I'm confuzzled, what is all this 2 in 6 stuff?

I got it in 2 today.
There are two challenges each day, the standard show in 6 frames, and a one frame challenge, that slowly reveals more of the picture. Underneath the frame numbers theres a bar saying show the daily one frame challenge, and if you click on that it shows the other one.

And so I got todays 6 frame in 2, but I didn't get todays 1 frame.
I think as with others my first guess for the 6 frames was from the same lead actor. 2 in 6 for me. I knew the 1 frame when the last bit had been revealed but couldn't put a name to the film

Just 2 in 6 and 0 for 1
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