FRAPS recording - non RAID Raptor 150GB the best option?

10 Jun 2005
Been trying my hand at game recording, and the hard drive is bottleneck for me.

Not considering RAID, just a single hard drive. Is the Raptor 150GB the best option to eliminate recording judgers?

Apart from the price, heat and noise was a concern of mine. But if the Raptor fulfils the role better than anything else then I'll bit the bullet and buy one. At least then I can say I've owned a Raptor.
which games are you recording? do they have their own in built demo recorders as these usually cause less slow downs and you can then play the demo back and record that with fraps
Unfortunantly the PC games I've tried haven't had a record mode. Most recent was Boiling Point: Road to Hell.

Also might improve emulated (WinUAE, DOSBox, Fusion) recordings too, but they're not as big a performance hit as FRAPS.
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