Free Anything Under £5 On MandMdirect - Anything U Want !

Alchemy said:
It's ridiculously big, isn't it? Did you get an Animal belt? If so, you can try and modify it yourself, just need to take away some of the "links".
Yeah the animal one. I did think about trying to take some of those links off, but they look a bit tricky to reattach. Have you attempted it yet?
hmm this is strange, i ordered a putter to my house, then a hoody which i paid for to my neighbours house. the hoody was just delivered by some polite chav (shocking, i know) to my address but no sign of the free putter :(
my belt arrived today!!! :D but at 06:55 A.M in the bloody morning!!! :mad: some guy in a white mondeo came to my door and pounded on it untill i answerd.

still, free is free,
Got me Slipper Things!... Probly should have gone for size 11... but with 12's at least I can ware sox in the cold weather!...

I'm waring them now!..


:cool: Not bad quite comfy :cool:
I am uber glad everyone got their stuff :D
Got my rucksack on Friday - gonna come in very handy and best of all it was free, free, free ;)

I was dubious about posting the offer on here in case people didn't get stuff and I was left with egg on my face. Instead I'm sat here smugly smiling in the knowledge that you can get something for nothing these days :p

Edit - just need some stars and I'll have a thread I'll be proud of forever :cool:
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