Free Barclaycard personalisation

Can't believe how many restrictions are on it, it's almost anti-British in not being able to put any flags or anything about the London olympics on it. Their rules are a contradiction of themselves because a credit card number is text/symbols relating to money.
Can't believe how many restrictions are on it, it's almost anti-British in not being able to put any flags or anything about the London olympics on it. Their rules are a contradiction of themselves because a credit card number is text/symbols relating to money.
I do agree the rules are a bit too strict, but at the same time I don't blame them for being very careful about what sort of imagery is used as a backdrop to their logo.

To you/me, an Olympic logo is simply an Olympic logo, but to them it's sponsorship. :p
They accepted the cartoonised version of myself, can't wait to get it now :).

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