Free Barclaycard personalisation

This probably won't get accepted but I've tried anyway because it looks cool!

It's an original piece of fan artwork and I've sought permission from the artists. However it is of course an image of a cartoon character and a trademark of CAPCOM.

This is brilliant.. I would want that.

Why havent they allowed this on credit cards; why just debit cards :(
hahaha you could easily do the Ryu pose yourself, take a picture and photoshop some effects on. Very geeky but an epic debit card. You'll get 0 amount of girls with it.
We'll see what they say about this:

love the idea. natwest did this for a short while and my pa had a card and i always wanted one.

having 3 business accounts with natwest i'd love to be able to put my business logo on each card, would look great handing it over
Question, why do they not allow copyrighted images? surely most company's would WANT you to advertise for free???

i can understand that some may not want to be associated with banking/cards, and that some images would be "distasteful" but i can imagine most people would want to put something on the card that is a logo/image that they don't own...

Good idea in thought, crap one in practice.
because you don't hold the copyright and it would be far to hard to implement.

everything about copyright is hard to implement and uphold...

Using copyright material doesn't necessarily mean promotion. It can be misused as well.

But we are talking about on a specific item, not something you can print on everything you own, it's just a plastic card...

EDIT - as well as still following there other guidelines....
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Great stuff, how long until I receive it?

From the FAQ:

We will send you an email within 24 hours of making your application. This will either confirm your order, or will let you know if your image has not met our image guidelines and you will be invited to try again. We will use the email address that you supply as part of the application process.

Normally, you will receive your new personalised card within 5 working days of receiving the email confirming your order.
Can see my pic getting rejected, I have a very similar pic I took but not as good.


Both seem like the epitome of something that is acceptable?

I am hoping the same, but as has been said because I do not own that picture it technically breaks copyright, saying how the picture is freely available on google images is where the grey area comes into it.

I am hoping the same, but as has been said because I do not own that picture it technically breaks copyright, saying how the picture is freely available on google images is where the grey area comes into it.


i doubt they would go as far as knowing that? They would just assume its yours?
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