I prefer the Merc because it seems to have better cable management looking from the pictures and that means better airflow. The whole outer casing of the Merc seems a lot more sleek and not a dull colour so that's a big bonus. The front buttons (Power) and USB on the Merc seems to stand out a bit more which i quite like as it catches the eye and thats what you want with a nice looking case. A huge plus is that it has 3.5" Drive Bays x 7 and the Outlaw only has 3.5" Drive Bays x 4 so someone with 3.5" drives would really benefit from this. Another thing that makes this case stand out is that it supports various different motherboard sizes (Mini-ITX, MicroATX, ATX) which is brilliant for a customer with a MicroATX board and wants a regular case. Overall the Merc seems like a better case for me. That is why i prefer the Merc over the Outlaw.