Free cavity wall insulation... whats the deal?

Can't get it done on our place, precast concrete stuff is too vunerable to moisture.

My mum's last house was precast concrete biscuits construction, had terrible damp appear after council had wall insulation put in.

My present hovel is being rewired soon, & a lot of floorboards are coming up on 1st floor, so I'm going to put 200mm of loft insulation (off freecycle) between the joists, while I have the chance.
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Saw this and thought it was a good read and could be quite helpful.

RE: Cavity Wall Insulation and Damp

Q: I am considering having cavity wall insulation but have read that it can cause damp and condensation. Would be interested in your views.

A: Cavity wall insulation is a great idea if you have a clean cavity. It is true that filling the cavity with insulation can cause damp and this is usually due to lumps of mortar (known, endearingly, in the trade as snots) lying on the cavity tie.

As the wall was built it is possible that mortar fell in the cavity and came to rest on the ties.The process is that rainwater hits the external skin and penetrates to the snot sitting on the tie. That is not a problem in an open cavity as the ventilation will dry any moisture penetration before it reaches the inner skin.

Fill the cavity with non-breathing insulation and that will stop any ventilation. The rainwater will still hit the external skin and penetrate to the snot but now cannot be evaporated away and continues to penetrate to the inner skin and emerges as a damp spot.

Ideally you will check that your cavity is clean before filling it with insulation. Reputable insulation companies will do this for you as a matter of routine and give you an honest answer. Less reputable companies may say they have done it and give a more or less honest answer. Distinguishing between the two is the usual process of asking for and taking up references – from customers that had their cavities filled at least 12 months previously.

Alternatively, get someone like Dyno Rod to check the cavity for yourself (other drain cleaning companies are available). It is a quick, simple process of drilling a few 15mm holes in the wall, sticking in a little camera and seeing what the cavity is like. Companies like Dyno Rod use cameras for checking drains all the time and are set up to do this for you.

As to condensation, this occurs when warm air meets a cold surface – glass of chilled Chablis in a warm pub – the condensation appears on the outside of the glass. It is far more likely to occur with uninsulated walls as they are the cold surface.

Insulating the cavity allows the inner skin of the wall to become warm, essentially pushing the dew-point back into the wall where there is then a possibility of condensation within the brickwork – known as interstitial condensation. If this is going to occur it is generally on the inside surface of the external skin of brickwork.

The effect of interstitial condensation will vary with the insulation. If polyurethane foam is used it becomes bonded to the brickwork and prevents any condensate running down the wall, holding it in the brickwork where frost action could cause damage. Blown fibres tend to overcome the problem by allowing any condensate to trickle down the wall to the damp-proof course and away out of the wall. As a consequence the majority of companies offering cavity insulation use blown fibre rather than polyurethane. Again, a reputable company will sort this out and it is generally not a problem.
Well its all been fitted, cavity wall and loft, house is about 3*C warmer than before, hasent collapsed, dont see any dampness although i guess its early days.
What's the current situation with free cavity wall insulation? I've been on a number of websites including British Gas and they all appear to be deliberately vague or feel misleading.

Legit or not?

Well its all been fitted, cavity wall and loft, house is about 3*C warmer than before, hasent collapsed, dont see any dampness although i guess its early days.
That's good to know. Who did you go with, out of interest? Is anyone eligible for that one or do you need to be claiming a benefit or OAP to be eligible?
Cant say about the wall insualtion but the roof insulation I got stuff for 69quid. Had less than 150mm in previously. Folk called by had a look and signed me up. I'm a home owner in an excouncil house. I ddidn't think I was eligible but they were quite happy to do it.
I wouldn't trust it personally. Even on a new build where I paid particular attention to detail, I wouldn't put my hand on heart and say that the cavity is 100% clean.
Just to add our experience:

My wife and I moved into this house about 8 or 9 years ago. The previous occupants had the cavities filled with blown-in insulation around 5 years before that.

We have no damp issues at all.
What's the current situation with free cavity wall insulation? I've been on a number of websites including British Gas and they all appear to be deliberately vague or feel misleading.

Legit or not?

That's good to know. Who did you go with, out of interest? Is anyone eligible for that one or do you need to be claiming a benefit or OAP to be eligible?

It was British gas that i contacted and they used a sub company called "Everwarm" to do all the work. Initially it was supposed to be "Mark group" that were doing it because they showed up at my door one day offering free insulation, but in the time it took Mark group to actually book an installation date i had Everwarm come survey the property, book a date, fit the wall insulation, do the same thing for the loft. Went smoothly.

I think anyone is eligible... might depend on the area you live in etc.

Mark group eventually did turn up despite having failed to book a date or anything, told them to gtfo.
When we had ours done we planned it very carefully, 2 weeks after the insulation was completed, the entire property was re-pointed from top to bottom.

The pointing needed doing anyway as the walls were looking hungry. We'd been here 10 years when it was done and the house is 107 years old and I've no idea when it was last done (if ever).

The end damp, lower heating bills (about £15 a month on gas) compared to year before it was done.

The stuff they used was like very light and fluffy cotton wool.
We've got it, had it for years now, if anything it's made our damp better. We had the whole house done, cavity + loft + windows
I wouldn't trust it personally. Even on a new build where I paid particular attention to detail, I wouldn't put my hand on heart and say that the cavity is 100% clean.

Surely on a new build its part of your building control check to see you have adequately insulated the walls, or had you a different method?
Did you get them to build in the insulation as they built it up?
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