Free computer weekly magazine?

SideWinder said:
Could always post them back, they might get the hint?

Thats not a bad idea... Just right doesn't live here anylonger :)..

wyrdo said:
Phone them

I can't find anything on the computerweekly webpage about the magazine, Also can't rember if it was though them or someone else...
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haha i've always wanted to know this as well.

I get them free, and i'm really glad they are free too!! They are kak!! Most the news is old by the time you get it anyways.

They keep sending me renewal e-mails, i never reply but i get more and more.
hybrid said:
haha i've always wanted to know this as well.

I get them free, and i'm really glad they are free too!! They are kak!! Most the news is old by the time you get it anyways.

They keep sending me renewal e-mails, i never reply but i get more and more.

Have you got one?

Whats the address or any the content pehaps I can email that address, or is there a unsubscribe link?
Got one here mate, doesnt tell me much though.

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