Free E-Commerce Software

17 Mar 2004
Been looking at osCommerce, is this any good? Easy to get to grips with?

Not looking at a huge shop, just a few items to start with. Just figured this would be easier and more organised, than a html page with a paypal option.

Any other options to look at?

unless you're turning over a fair amount of cash you'll still have to use Paypal or similar. accepting debit/credit cards directly is a whole new ballgame and only really available to people with £100k+ venture capital at their disposal :-)
Hmmm, no idea mate.

All I did was upload to a folder, then run the install like it was a forum etc.

Did that, and no images showed up like you can see now.
Ah I see, it's domain forwarding, no problem with that.

Have you got access to the server logs? If so, try loading a page then looking at the logs, and look for any "403" errors. The images can be accessed directly so it looks like some form of hotlink protection? If there's an option in your control panel for hotlink/leech protection, turn it off :)
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