Free EA Games

I thought Mirrors Edge got quite repetitive quite quickly.

Need for Speed was ok but not as good as Real Racing.

Sim City I enjoyed but it was just a demo and took quite a bit of time to work out the menus.

Similarly for Command and Conquer, it was a good demo but nothing more.

I'm tempted by the discount on Plants Vs. Zombies though — 69p today.
Problem is there are idiots out there that will **** away money on pointless crap like this, until these people get a clue, EA will keep doing it.

Indeed :( They should probably name it "Farmville Syndrome" :p

Marky said:
All these in app purchasing in EA games is awful


Just re-read that, not making a whole lot of sense this morning :p
I hate (with a passion) In App Purchases. Saw a 'free' app the other day that looked quite interesting - check the optional IAPs and there was one in there for £69.99!!!!! Disgusting. Will NEVER buy an app that has that attached to it.

It was just some crappy game too, nothing special.
I deleted Zombie Farm for exactly this reason. If you're not willing to spend £££ on IAPs it's just utterly, utterly infuriating and pretty much not fun at all.

It was when I got to the second boss and he wiped me easily that I gave up with it. I could almost hear the game wagging it's finger and going "Now, if you'd spent real money on upgrades that wouldn't have happened, silly you" and decided that I should give up before I sling my phone very hard somewhere. :D
As soon as I realised I'd have to spend out real cash to build anything useful in Theme Park, I deleted it. I really dislike the IAP model as well.
This is just like the DLC for any other game, nothing special. What I hate is that you pay for a game, and AT RELEASE there is DLC. Surely it would be a better game if they spent that time they spunked on doing DLC into development. Very annoying and completely money grabbing attitude of publishers nowadays.

Moral compass is all wrong.
As soon as I realised I'd have to spend out real cash to build anything useful in Theme Park, I deleted it. I really dislike the IAP model as well.

I don't mind it as long as its not
1. Necessary to enjoy the game
2. Not overly expensive

.. its like £38 for a roller coaster on Theme Park, madness.
Dead Space is 69p today as well.

With Real Racing and The Night Jar getting iOS5 fixes this week, GTA3 coming out and Plants Vs. Zombies and now Dead Space being discounted, my Christmas is pretty much sorted!
Are there any EA games worth buying? Or do I follow my policy for most EA games and stay the hell away from them?!

Get Peggle, is great!

I picked up Scrabble and Monopoly in a previous sale, both quite good, the dictionary in Scrabble can be rubbish occasionally and won't recognise perfectly legit words but not like I'm on Countdown and for 69p who can moan really.

I'd like Fifa but I find any real games that require a directional controller and multiple buttons almost impossible on the iPad.
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