Free Gifts

spirit said:
you do understand that that isn't a proper comparison, as its 18month vs 12months...
So u paying that "370.07" for PSP and 6months which equates to 190.07 for the PSP
however, you have to keep your phone for longer..which is how they make more money

How do you make money?

If you want If you want and extra 12 months then get something like this-[0][next][0]=gifts&srchstr=12mth&banner=MenuText12mth&OSPS=72772c74ee3335ecc87ed802ccabe39d
There you get a FREE phone and 12 months FREE rental.

Never pay for mins, if you want 6 month extra then get it for free :rolleyes: .

To every one, you never pay for mins, you just pay for a phone (and over price free gift) over a cretain amount of time, either 12 months or 18, fact!
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goody_106 said:
yes exactly you have to keep a contract for a minimum of 12 months anyway so the extra they will make would be the 6 months at £30 which is a total of £180 more than a normal £30 a month contract

This is all well and good, but if you bothered to look then the offer I used was for 12 months and 7 months at £1.99 so how are you going to make up the extra (£30 * 7= £210 -£1.99 * 7= £13.93) £196.07?
Spamalot said:
This is all well and good, but if you bothered to look then the offer I used was for 12 months and 7 months at £1.99 so how are you going to make up the extra (£30 * 7= £210 -£1.99 * 7= £13.93) £196.07?
i wasnt disagreeing with your 'fact' i was stating that any contract taken out is a minimum of 12 months anway - so when you have to take out an 18 month contract they are only gaining 6 moths of extra line rental.

i always thought forums were about discussion not argument :p

i dont think either way is right?

like someone has already mentioned if they wanted a psp or xbox but could'nt afford to go out and buy one, but in the long term they can afford to pay £30 a month, then surely it is a good way of getting one
goody_106 said:
i wasnt disagreeing with your 'fact' i was stating that any contract taken out is a minimum of 12 months anway - so when you have to take out an 18 month contract they are only gaining 6 moths of extra line rental.

i always thought forums were about discussion not argument :p

i dont think either way is right?

Well you would pay just an extra 6 months worth if were not for the extra 7 months at £1.99. So you end up paying an extra 7 months at £28.01 and an extra 6 months at £30. Thats an expensive PSP by any one standards, is it not?

There are much cheaper places to get PSP's on credit than paying Over £300 for one.
At the end of the day, like with most things, if you cant aford it dont buy it. This is just a way of thinking that you are getting it free, by you saying to your self..... "well I would have paid £30 p/m any way" you wouldnt have or for as long. Dont get a PSP if you cant afford one, covering it up wont make it cheaper, lol, in this case it makes it a lot more expensive!

1. stop posting stupidly long links and if you have to, do it like i have:
stupidly long link
2. You actually pay more than the phones cost to the network
3. Of course you pay next to nothing for minutes, after initial immense sunk costs there are pretty low costs for operators.. thus MC for adding a new line/more minutes/whatever is pretty low.
4. You will have to pay something for those 6 months on your new contract

Really the trade off is this:

gift vs higher total cost (perhaps) & new phone quicker & potential discount that could be had when signing up sooner
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spirit said:

1. stop posting stupidly long links and if you have to, do it like i have:
stupidly long link
2. You actually pay more than the phones cost to the network
3. Of course you pay next to nothing for minutes, after initial immense sunk costs there are pretty low costs for operators.. thus MC for adding a new line/more minutes/whatever is pretty low.
4. You will have to pay something for those 6 months on your new contract

Really the trade off is this:

gift vs higher total cost (perhaps) & new phone quicker & potential discount that could be had when signing up sooner

1, sorry about the links, tried to link them, but didnt work at first how did you manage that?

2, To the network yes, but then the likes of OSPS or e2save are more than happy to give you the same or more back.

3, Of course you do pay the mins, there inclusive mins, but there are plenty of place that you can get phones with free mins and free line renal (for the full length of the contract). The operators sunk costs have nothing to do with it, either do does AC, MC, or anything else.

4, err no you dont, you might have to have the initial out lay, please refuse back to question 2.

And the trade of is either get a phone for very little (see above example) or get a phone and psp on a very high level of interest.
Spamalot said:
1, sorry about the links, tried to link them, but didnt work at first how did you manage that?

2, To the network yes, but then the likes of OSPS or e2save are more than happy to give you the same or more back.

3, Of course you do pay the mins, there inclusive mins, but there are plenty of place that you can get phones with free mins and free line renal (for the full length of the contract). The operators sunk costs have nothing to do with it, either do does AC, MC, or anything else.

4, err no you dont, you might have to have the initial out lay, please refuse back to question 2.

And the trade of is either get a phone for very little (see above example) or get a phone and psp on a very high level of interest.

1. use
url="link"]text[/url.. withs []
2. they will have a deal with networks to allow them to do this, they are after all making money too.
3. I never said you didn't pay for the minutes. It has everything to do with it. The incredibly low cost for minutes/data etc for networks is how they make money, its how they get away with subsidising phones for new sign ons.
4. wtf. ok, find me a contract that you pay nothing for 6 months. You will pay something.

Is english your first language?
spirit said:
4. wtf. ok, find me a contract that you pay nothing for 6 months. You will pay something.

Is english your first language?

You have to pay the line rental, but then they give it you back, so its cost you nothing.

And yes, thanks for that. I know there is no excuse.
Spamalot said:
You have to pay the line rental, but then they give it you back, so its cost you nothing.

And yes, thanks for that. I know there is no excuse.

thats not actually free.. its cash backs..
its limited minutes to o2, landlines, offpeak > v. cheap mins for ops

eg : o2 costs

* 30p/min Peak to landlines
* 30p/min Offpeak to different networks
* 45p/min Peak to different networks

tmob costs

Minutes (anytime, any network) 20p / min
Texts 10p

they will make money on calls made during daytime & prolly clobber you with high costs p/m during these times

and technically it does cost you, cause the money they give back to in 3months or whatever is worth less in real terms than the money you gave to them in the start combined with interest losses etc.
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spirit said:
thats not actually free.. its cash backs..
its limited minutes to o2, landlines, offpeak > v. cheap mins for

they will make money on calls made during daytime & prolly clobber you with high costs p/m during these times

and technically it does cost you, cause the money they give back to in 3months or whatever is worth less in real terms than the money you gave to them in the start combined with interest losses etc.

There are other 12 months free deals that offer better mins, there were just examples.

You dont have to use the phone in the day, you dont have to use the SIM at all.

In real terms it is worth very slightly less (we are talking pence atm). But you also have to remember that that give you a phone thats worth C. £150 to more than cover and "loss in real terms".
i'm bored of this; lets agree to disagree.

Anyway, the main issue is these deals suck and they are pointless (imo). So are the crappy 12month free deals if you use anything but offpeak/landlines/other X network

Get the best deal considering what phone you want and how you use it.
spirit said:
i'm bored of this; lets agree to disagree.

Anyway, the main issue is these deals suck and they are pointless (imo). So are the crappy 12month free deals if you use anything but offpeak/landlines/other X network

Get the best deal considering what phone you want and how you use it.

I agree with every thing you have said there. Cash back deals can be very good, depending on what you want and what you get (there not all off peak deals). Deals where you get "free gifts" are poor, thats a fact, shown in my maths above.

I understand people that want an easy life, and dont want the bother of cash back or who want a set amount of txts/mins from a deal (although even then, I thing peolple sometime pay to much for "free" mins). Its people that have the worst of both worlds, they get a poor deal (in terms of mins) and have the bother of sending of the bills off and are still paying over the odds for the phone, but think its great because they get a "free" gift.
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