Free Lynx Gift

I reckon that it's going to be a tiny little thing that contains enough deoderant for very few uses that's small enough to fit on a keyring - the click is the noise it makes when you press the button to use it.

This idea was just made up by me for no particular reason, based on nothing so at no point do I think, or have I ever thought, that I am, in any way, even near correct.

for those of you wondering, don't quote me but it's a clicker as some of you have suggested!

Working in boots they sent out a random number of them to all stores as a promotion for the new fragrance "click"

smells absolutely foul IMO!
If u click on the Australian one u it doesnt say "i have a special suprise for u" like the UK one does :(
"It just says wanna play? my friends will be joining me soon"
Then there is a space u enter your email address :(
Does that mean i miss out again just like i did with the razors? :mad:

BTW i think its a sample of a new deodernt called lynx click. U just need to look at the bottemleft of the screan to see why i think that. Thats probably wqhy she has the little clicker
Simaster14 said:
Is 'Click' the name for a new deodorant? That's what I think, I doubt they'd give away a clicker :p
Yep, seen it on sale, not sure what the "free gift" is, and not sure what the point of revealing all on Feb 13th (Day before Valanteens Day) is, as its already on sale :\.
Phnom_Penh said:
Yep, seen it on sale, not sure what the "free gift" is, and not sure what the point of revealing all on Feb 13th (Day before Valanteens Day) is, as its already on sale :\.

Well it's definately a Key Ring Clicker, mine arrived this morning. Can't say I've got any use for it but hey, free is free :).
Two arrived for me this morning for some strange reason :s

Anyways, played around with it for a few mins, and now they are lying somewhere underneath my bed. A disappointment, but who cares... they were free!
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