Free Retail Boxed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 with OCZ ZS PSU's - Whilst stock lasts!

Afaik you'll only get a copy if it specifically says you will. The ones with the free game were listed separately to the standard psus.
Ace Modder, i bought one of these

Order Date: 21 Oct, 11, 7:40 pm

do i also get a copy of MW3? :)

No, all the Promo stock had sold by the time you ordered. Seperate product on the website.

You ordered sku code - CA-057-OC and the promo SKU code was BU-057-OP

Sorry bro!
All of the games were shipped out today as promised!

OcUK are the best! The game launches at 6am tomorrow morning :)
awwww - i thought i buy from OcUK because you are the good guys...

nuh uuh... :(

You didnt order the promo stock! It was a limited offer to 150 units and they had all sold by the time you ordered your none PROMO sku!

If macdonalds do a deal for a 2 week period with a free coke glass and you go the day after it ends, would you expect a free glass? NO!

So please refrain from complaining about OcUK for something which YOU MISSED out on!
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