Freecp, DVB-T USB & Sky Eye compatibility

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
Just received the reknowned Freecom DVB-T USB stick to watch digital TV on my PC, but as i have a Sky Eye, i'm trying to get it so i can change channels with my Sky control upstairs. So far i've got all the digital channels, but i can't get the Sky channel upstairs.

Any ideas on what i need to scan for to get it, if indeed this is at all possible?
Well i figured out i needed to turn the RF output on. I have Ch68 as the RF number i need to get my Freecom USB working but alas i'm not sure how this number alone can be scanned for. Doing a bunch of scans now and hopeful something will turn up.
I'm not sure you'll be able to pick up that channel as it's output in an analogue signal, where the freecom stick will only pick up digital signals.

I maybe wrong, but my old fella has one of these and I didn't recall it being both an analogue and a digital tuner.
No WAY! That sucks big time. I guess i'll just have to sell it on eBay and get myself an analogue now. :(
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