freeman of the land + cancer + 500 'protesters' = massive farce

Proof please. He would be in arrears after the very first payment, and they'd chase him for every penny. Accepting a payment of £1 does not magically evaporate the rest of the debt. 15 years @ £1 per month? No chance.

I can't find the proof any more. There was a youtube video where a guy went to the house of the man who was paying £1 for 15 years. I have looked for it but can't find it.

There was another video about how a guy was showing how to rob a bank completely legally. that was the best.
Does kind of suck - despite otherwise being (adjusted) better off financially than my dad was at my age I can only dream of having the house buying power he had - think he had 3 houses on the go then selling one, living in one and investing in another and I'd be scraping the barrel to afford 1 comparable to the cheapest house.

This is true. The shift of wealth will come with inheritance. What this will lead to is our generation having large cash injections in their retirement. Long term illness and care costs could eat into this, but in many cases there will be a generation of people inheriting large sums in their late 50s through to their 60s and 70s. Arguably this is when they need it least (assuming forward planning for pensions etc).

I think over time the system will change to allow older generation to release the value in their homes to their children - rather than their kids having to take a high interest mortgage.

If you're clever you can already achieve a much better rate of interest by receiving gift money to reduce your loan to value. Obviously relies on your ability to receive this money and willingness of someone to gift it to you.
I'll take the view that the judges conclusions in writing beat some rambling on a video.

Aka hes ****** and without a leg to stand on. Appeal denied.
Im confused after watching that video. SO did he win or not then?

Given they reposessed the house and it looks like the court is not going to allow him to appeal it, I'd guess that no he did not win, at least not in any normal, dictionary meaning of the word.

However he probably did win by some freemanidiotoftheland logic, much the same way that freemen of the land claim to win when they refuse to get car insuerance etc and when the police pull them over and get the car towed away they've "won" by confusing the officer with their rubbish (whilst the car is now racking up additional charges and likely to be crushed).
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