We're fed up with Sky and are looking to move to something without a subscription, its not worth the price for our little usage. What are good freeview style boxes worth having? Decent UI with recording / pausing is desirable.
I have a Youview box. It's part of my BT vision subscription. The box is great when it works. Every so often though it throws a wobbler and I need to reset it. Also it can be clunky at times. I'll make a selection, then nothing, so I'll press again and then it does both functions at once and I have to back track. Annoying. Apart from those little things though, good box.
Ours was like that until a few months ago and then suddenly it became complete rock solid, not sure if it got a firmware update but it was a huge difference. It also seems better when connected to the Internet, it works without a network connection but seemed more laggy.
The new small youview box is meant to be much nippier.
I think the free box is the smaller YouView box that can only buffer live TV. Double-check what you've ordered.