French special forced 'denied permission' to kill bin Laden?

22 Jun 2004
Deep England
Just been on the ITV news, 4 members of a French special forces unit serving in Afghanistan 4 years ago claimed to have been within a couple of hundred yards of Osama bin Laden. They radio'd to US high command for permission to take him out, and were met with silence so he escaped. The French Army deny this happened, but as ITV pointed out, thats normal for special forces related questions.

What do we think? USA want bin Laden alive? USA want to kill him themselves? The French dudes are making it up? Let the speculation begin.
A documentary says French special forces had Osama bin Laden in their sights twice about three years ago but their US superiors never ordered them to fire.

The French military, however, said that the incidents never happened and the report was "erroneous information."


Razavi told Reuters several sources told them the sightings were six months apart and they declined to be more specific.

French armed forces spokesman Christophe Prazuck said "that never happened" when asked about the bin Laden sightings.,2506,L-3342268,00.html
burnsy2023 said:
Maybe the US want Bin Laden out there so their huge defence industry can continue to inflate the national economy?

Nahh your right, stupid thought....

We have a winner!

Don't forget that they also need him to keep us all paranoid enabling them to continue their quest to control every aspect of our lives under the guise of 'security'.

No, just me then. :o
robmiller said:
Speculation from armchair diplomacy experts with next to no knowledge of a situation that might or might not have happened


*gets popcorn*

Special Forces are trained to spill their guts randomly at points in the future...
AJUK said:
We have a winner!

Don't forget that they also need him to keep us all paranoid enabling them to continue their quest to control every aspect of our lives under the guise of 'security'.

No, just me then. :o

Why? They can just replace him with someone else. Besides, OBL being killed/captured would be a major bonus for the Republican party.
OBL is hiding in my sheep pen with these two pair of poofs!

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