French special forced 'denied permission' to kill bin Laden?

It was reported in a french newspaper, end of last year time, the Bin Laden was dead.

There were videos released of him from time to time, just to scare us some more, but I haven't seen a rescent video of him in years - he used to talk about topical stuff in those videos. Then long after 911 audio tapes started to be "smuggled" out to al-gezira, which, again, could be another ploy - but they were always non specific and I've not heard of a new one for some time now either.

Some sites have said that he died as fair back as the end of 2001 and I could believe that. It's just that the people in power need his image of terror to scare people into giving up there rights, among other things.
Sleepy said:
The French Army is still in Afghanistan and has been since not long after 9/11

According to the same ITV news article yesterday, there aren't any French special forces left though. Its now just the regular army for rebuilding activities.
hominid said:
It was reported in a french newspaper, end of last year time, the Bin Laden was dead.

There were videos released of him from time to time, just to scare us some more, but I haven't seen a rescent video of him in years - he used to talk about topical stuff in those videos. Then long after 911 audio tapes started to be "smuggled" out to al-gezira, which, again, could be another ploy - but they were always non specific and I've not heard of a new one for some time now either.

Some sites have said that he died as fair back as the end of 2001 and I could believe that. It's just that the people in power need his image of terror to scare people into giving up there rights, among other things.

The latest video was released on 7th September 2006, four days before the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
Ricochet J said:
Don't blame the US to be honest. The French would have missed his crippling body trying to escape fire a metre away! :p
Are French special forces no good then? Or are you making a 'joke' :)

Jonnycoupe said:
Maybe the US didn't want the French unleashing a mighty weapon of mass destruction, the white flag.
What is the deal with the French being linked to surrendering exactly? Because they surrendered to the Nazis in WW2, rather than have their country flattened and huge numbers of their civilians and soldiers killed for nothing?
Al Vallario said:

From wikipedia article article:
Wiki said:
On December 26, 2001 FOXNews reported “Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al-Qaeda leader.” [18] The World Tribune subsequently reported “Israel and the United States assess that Bin Laden probably died in the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan in December [2001]. They said the emergence of new messages by Bin Laden are probably fabrications.”

As I've siad, there have been only audio tapes of "him" or non specific videos with him talking about non-relevant non-current stuff.

We all know that the US, from only a few sentances, have the technology to replicate the voice of someone and a lot easier to fool people with than faked video. Also there was a video supposedly of Bin Laden a few years ago that was finaly debunked, it showed a Bin Laden look alike with a gold watch, something that would be outragous due to his religion, and using the wrong hand to write with.

Al Vallario said:
The latest video was released on 7th September 2006, four days before the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

From this article:
BBC said:
The footage also shows the al-Qaeda leader meeting senior figures Ramzi Binalshibh and Mohammed Atef in what al-Jazeera said were the mountains of Afghanistan.

Binalshibh was captured in 2002 and Atef was killed by a US air strike in Afghanistan in late 2001.

So that makes it from the latest 2002. Again, no new video for years and years.

If you can link a video where he's talking about current events, preferably in specific terms, then I would really like to hear it.

//edit, to sort out the quote mess.
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hominid i think said:
As I've siad, there have been only audio tapes of "him" or non specific videos with him talking about non-relevant non-current stuff.

I think the biggest indication that Bin Laden was alive was when they started using backdrops due to American incompetence - when a British geologist realised that the rocks in the background belonged to a specific part of Afghanistan and since then efforts have been made to disguise backgrounds within the videos.

Not that I actually think OBL would live in a cave, that's just too romanticised.
cleanbluesky said:
Special Forces are trained to spill their guts randomly at points in the future...

What's your point :/

We'll never know about the truth of situations such as these unless the government suddenly decides to tell us about it, which certainly won't happen if it was an embarrassing failure as this would have been had it happened. I don't really see the point in speculation because it will get us precisely nowhere.
robmiller said:
What's your point :/

I was kidding - I am just tired of these nebulous ex-military characters claiming all sorts of insight.

Men who supposedly have exemplary military careers yet decide to snitch after leaving the army for little or no reason, revealing extraordinary claims.
cleanbluesky said:
I think the biggest indication that Bin Laden was alive was when they started using backdrops due to American incompetence - when a British geologist realised that the rocks in the background belonged to a specific part of Afghanistan and since then efforts have been made to disguise backgrounds within the videos.

I think they would do this anyway just to keep with the whole construct. I mean, it would make sence for the real Bin Laden to hide his location so they should have to do it on any mock up that they do aswell.

The main reason, after 911, that they switched from video tapes to audio tapes, for specific information, was solely because they are a lot easier to forge. As i've said before, the video of Bin Laden apparently taking the credit/blame for 911, at the end of 2001 iirc, was proved to be a hoax - but it was still used as justification as the US's invasion into Afghanistan(which I was ok with at the time because I didn't know any better).

I just want one video of him taking about anything specific, and not something that could be foretold with an insight into American foriegn policy, or him reading a newspaper after say 2003 onwards on video and I'll seriously consider my viewpoint. To this day I have found nothing that'll change it.

cleanbluesky said:
Not that I actually think OBL would live in a cave, that's just too romanticised.

Yeah - a nice drive out into the country for the day to see how the other half live..
Jokester said:
Why would they need the US' permission?


Apparently there a numerous families in the US government with strong ties to the bin laden family, dealings with oil etc.
DHR said:
Apparently there a numerous families in the US government with strong ties to the bin laden family, dealings with oil etc.

Its also important to note that the Bin LAden family have cut ties to their son and stopped funding him. Maybe we should criminalize all families of people who commit crimes, you know....just because.

Of course, you wont include that part because it doesnt fit in with you theory. I swear to god, its like talking to brickwalls having this discussion with people.
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