****Fresh random image thread (with rule addition)Every post MUST contain an image!****

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Hiroshima + Nagasaki Death Toll: 225,000 (conservative estimate)
Pearl Harbour Death Toll: 2,350[/QUOTE]

2977 victims in 9/11, 1033000 deaths resulting from the "war on terror" to date. By that standard, the backlash for Pearl Harbour was relatively tame.

Seeing as neither Iraq or Afghanistan had anything to do with 9/11 why did all these civilians have to suffer?

What was their crime? when it comes to numbers the middle east has suffered one hell of a lot more death, terror, injustice, rape, murder and i would go as far as genocide at the hands of us lot in the west.

Don't forget to remove the image quote. I'd also consider taking down the photos that aren't particularly family forum friendly down while your at it. :(

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