****Fresh random image thread (with rule addition)Every post MUST contain an image!****

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Mr Don nice one on doing your job BUT.

Point 1, You never posted an image when you edited my post so i'm giving you an official citizens warning for that.

Point 2, have some manners please, your quoted message just rubs the wrong way, all you had to say was please refer to the rules and limit images to 1024 pixals wide, thank you. That would be called doing a job with a little tact which you seem to lack.

My resized image for peoples viewing pleasure ..

Have a nice day now .. :rolleyes:

What are those white things on the lower spider? They look like those plastic tags that hold clothes labels on in the shops!

Did that spider get caught shoplifting?

That would be a Proton, would it not? I have to say though, it does seem to me that constructing them horizontally and transporting them by train is a much better option than what NASA do.

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