Fresh Random Image Thread

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For those that don't get it, the are an alarming amount of people out there these days (kids today, pah) who think *.GIF should be pronounced with a J instead of a G (so it sounds the same as *.JIF files do lol), this is because the creator of *.GIF said in an interview at some point that's how he pronounces it, and hipsters decided they should follow suit, despite it being an acronym not a word lol.
For those that don't get it, the are an alarming amount of people out there these days (kids today, pah) who think *.GIF should be pronounced with a J instead of a G (so it sounds the same as *.JIF files do lol), this is because the creator of *.GIF said in an interview at some point that's how he pronounces it, and hipsters decided they should follow suit, despite it being an acronym not a word lol.

Neither is wrong really. A capital "G" is pronounce "Jee" so it could be pronounced ".JIF". (I still pronounce it .GIF).

Neither is wrong really. A capital "G" is pronounce "Jee" so it could be pronounced ".JIF". (I still pronounce it .GIF).

A capital "W" is pronounced "Double-you". I don't quite understand your point. Is it just a G can be pronounced as "g'uh" or "j'uh"?

The choice of train providers to get to London in my area.

A vehicle causing damage to a bridge results in 2 trains being delayed by 5 minutes (and is 'big news' as a result.)

Or flea infested seats on a slower more expensive line...
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