Fresh Random Image Thread

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A reprocessed montage of my (very budget, very amateur) planetary photographs. Scaled to their correct angular sizes on the dates shown.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty damn awesome tbh, what setup?. ( scope/camera etc)

That's pretty damn awesome tbh, what setup?. ( scope/camera etc)

Thanks! I used a couple of different cameras depending on the photo, but all of them were taken using an 8" newtonian reflector on a manual (no tracking) dobsonian mount - a Skywatcher Skyliner 200P.

I either directly attached my DSLR (Canon 550D) or use a bracket to point my point & shoot (Canon IXUS 100S) through the eyepiece then record a short video of the planet. The frames of the video are then stacked together to increase the signal to noise and various other processing stages done to bring out the detail.


This one's comet lovejoy, taken on a different scope but in a similar way (long exposure frames stacked rather than a video though!)
I share your pain.
I love nothing more than having the bin full again just one day after it was emptied because my girlfriend just threw an empty, un-crushed 2 litre bottle in there :/

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