Friday Night Gaming [PS4 & PC] :)

24 Oct 2012
Good afternoon all, some of you may be aware of our FG GTA Fridays which have been a raging success and are always immense fun but we're also looking for more folks for other games.

The majority of us are 30+ but we have a few youngsters too, we mainly play Overwatch (primarily ranked) Destiny 2 (we smash out all the raids every reset, no prestige mode yet), Fortnite, CoD, Rainbow 6 is gaining traction, and whatever else takes our fancy. We're all helpful people, very relaxed and although we have a few sweaty tryhards, we take the mick out of them more than anything. We play for fun and if we win that's a bonus and we actually do quite well without lumping pressure on everyone.

There are no commitments, we have a calendar on our forum (link in signature) which people can use to create events and sign up for other peoples' events.

Quite a few on here have played with us, maybe they'll pop in and say a word or two about what we're like (tags to follow).

My PSN is D-i-d-d-u-m-S so feel free to chuck me a friend request and I'm sure a few others will add their PSN IDs to this thread too so if I'm not online you have a few other options.

Honestly FG is one of the best gaming communities around, there's no tension, no drama, everyone's just relaxed and helpful. Would be great to have a few more members :)

Thanks for reading!

@Greboth @antijoke @biron_w @Tefal @Maccy @Uther (do you have a PS4? can't remember) @G-MAN2004 @Schizo @bloodiedathame @McBain @GazzaGarratt @RoboCod @dhill @Downsy
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@Narj you're the hang glider dude aren't you? From the Christmas Jumper meet a few years ago? Or was that Creature, I can never remember. Anyway, GTAV is on sale atm, think it's £17 on PSN so you've got no excuse really. @Wat_Tyler is always looking for more PC players too so he'll probably add you on Steam.

@Scort I see you signed up already, well done :) A few of us take stats far too seriously but most of us just don't care, we play to have fun not to be l33t.

@Andybtsn I'll add you tonight or tomorrow or so, I love Fortnite too so it'll be good to have someone new to carry my sorry arse :D
So this is on for PS4 tomorrow night then? Who does the invites?

Bit weird playing on PS4, I'd got used to playing with PS4 controller on PC, but using gyro for aiming. Just using the right stick sucks donkey balls.

Once you're more integrated in to the group and have more names on your friends list you'll see who's online and just hop in, or they'll invite you. Usually whoever's online first makes a party and everyone else just piles in until it's full at which point we send invites to the actual game lobby and use in-game chat (20 people all talking rubbish can be a hoot).

I'll add you tonight and invite you tomorrow, your friends list will grow like mad after that and you simply hop in to whichever party is playing the game you want and get stuck in.
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