Friend requests on Steam

8 Nov 2006
Ireland/Northern Ireland Border
I keep getting friend requests out of the blue on Steam. The majority of them are from private accounts so I can't see who they are.

I am sure some of them are from members on here, who I am happy to friend on Steam. However, a lot of them seem to be dodgy Russian scammers.

When I receive the friend requests I can either accept, ignore or block. There doesn't seem to be any way to message the person, to ask "who are you".

Am I missing something?
It's got to the point where I get several a day now, I just ignore them. If there is no name I recognise or they have hidden profiles I just ignore it now, can't say I've looked that hard to see if there is a way to message someone.
Same i get a lot also, i used to accept just outta interest and all they wanted was to trade some rubbish game for a TF2 item i have.

now unless i recognise the name i block it!
Ignore all the ones that have private profiles or have no games etc.
I accepted one before to see what it's all about, the person just messaged me a phishing link
im lucky then, I don't get hardly any requests and when I do its people from here so I don't mind.

when I was selling a awp on the market worth some money (£12) I had randoms try to add me because of what I was selling on the market but just ignored them
I used to get a lot, but since I've made my inventory private / friends only it happens far, far less now!
If they are a low level, name you don't recognise ignore it. They are all phishing and will mess up your steam account if the link is clicked.
I don't get them that often. Normally are private profiles though. I've added a few and tried making convo to find out who they was, never had a reply back so just deleted.
What I have noticed is that when I played CS:GO a lot then I would get 2-3 a day and when you accept their request they wait a few hours so you have forgotten about them sending you that funny friend request, Then they send you a phishing website.:rolleyes:
The only time I've ever had any is when I've played some TF2, which I haven't done much of.

I actually have 0 friends on my Steam profile. Don't tend to play anything multiplayer, so haven't really seen the point in adding anyone. Plus, no-one likes me ;)
Never used to happen before stupid monetisation of the marketplace/trading cards / garbage whatever.

Shame, what gaming REALLY needed was an avenue to get the scammers in.... :(
I've had a few recently, where they've sent a message along the lines of "my friend is trying to add you to trade, but it won't let him for some reason, please go to his profile at and add him"

(R & N in lower case obviously)

Clever, but not clever enough :p
used to get them a lot.
seems a lot less often now

had to warn my son not to accept any requests from people he doesn't know.... because they will just be trying to hijack his account
Hard explaining stuff to someone who's 9 that doesn't realise the world is full of ******** yet
I had a few semi decent hats on TF2 so used to get random requests, changed my profile to private so no one can see my inventory and pretty much stopped.
I don't think it helps if you got your steam profile advertised like in your sigs, first three replies on this thread have all got it etc.. maybe I'm wrong but it's a funny coincidence.
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