Friends...and their money

20 Apr 2006
Another potentially fantabulous night out planned by me weeks ago for tomorrow... and now most have only just decided they dont have enough money!
i wish they would tell me sooner.
or is there some vicious money eating monster sround that i dont know about, destined to ruin the nights out of thousands across the country? :confused:
Just a fact of life I'm afraid, depending on how many of you are still up for it and what it is you are doing it might be worth going anyway and then you can tell those who missed it what a good time you had.
-gem- said:
Another potentially fantabulous night out planned by me weeks ago for tomorrow... and now most have only just decided they dont have enough money!
i wish they would tell me sooner.
or is there some vicious money eating monster sround that i dont know about, destined to ruin the nights out of thousands across the country? :confused:

Par for the course when you organise a night out at the end of the month I'm afraid. Just after pay day is always best for max attendance. :)
Unlucky, shame when it happens really.

Personally if someone plans something and I say I am going then I will set money aside and not spend it as not to let others down. :D

What did you plan anyway, hopefully nothing to big.
When do they all get paid? Might be soon for some of them making it a valid excuse... still sucks tho.
-gem- said:
Another potentially fantabulous night out planned by me weeks ago for tomorrow... and now most have only just decided they dont have enough money!
i wish they would tell me sooner.
or is there some vicious money eating monster sround that i dont know about, destined to ruin the nights out of thousands across the country? :confused:

yes, its called cars / women / babies. atleast in my case!
You get some epople like me for instance who realise that going out is somewhat of a waste of money, and try and do it none too often, luckily for my friends, I have realised that I can exchange lifts home for diet cokes that suits me down to the ground :)
most expenses are more important than a night out, if they dont have money either readjust your plans or accept it as thats life!

500th post too!
dboundy said:
Personally if someone plans something and I say I am going then I will set money aside and not spend it as not to let others down. :D

I'm the same :) Even if I can't really afford to, the fact I said I would makes me go anyway!

I hate it when people make excuses last minute. Got one friend who always agrees to do stuff and then never ever does! I feel like I can't rely on him to do anything, and a lot of our mates feel the same about him. Gets to the point that you just don't bother asking them anymore :(
When're they paid? I for one couldn't use that excuse, as I get paid on the last working day of the month...

... And I got a bonus today :D

cloud from ff7 has funky hair

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