Friends...and their money

You dont need money for a good night out!
Theres loads of things you can do super cheap. We do this thing where you have to make stuff out of tinfoil, for every foot you use you have to have a shot of *insert spirit here*, obviously the best tinfoil creation wins but the more you use the harder it is to make!
AthlonTom said:
You dont need money for a good night out!
Theres loads of things you can do super cheap. We do this thing where you have to make stuff out of tinfoil, for every foot you use you have to have a shot of *insert spirit here*, obviously the best tinfoil creation wins but the more you use the harder it is to make!

That sounds like the worst ******* game ever :confused:
johnson said:
cloud from ff7 has funky hair


am i the only one that found the absolute randomness of this accidental post the best thing in this thread ?? :p :p

as for the actual thread yeah all of my friends are poor jobless hobo's who spend too much time playing WoW which is really annoying as im currently quite rich, but have nobody to play with :(
DJammyRasta said:
am i the only one that found the absolute randomness of this accidental post the best thing in this thread ?? :p :p

Nope, I did too, i was just about to post similar when I saw yours :D
It actually made me laugh out loud, as I was puzzling over it when I saw the next post - oops wrong thread.... :D

She does have funky hair though.

Back O/T if I say I'll be somewhere then come hell or high water I do my best to make it. I hate it when people back out at the last minute, it's just bad manners.
kitten_caboodle said:
Back O/T if I say I'll be somewhere then come hell or high water I do my best to make it. I hate it when people back out at the last minute, it's just bad manners.
Yeah, or at least say in the beginning that you might not be able to make it.
Treefrog said:
Yeah, or at least say in the beginning that you might not be able to make it.

yeah, i'll say - i'm not sure if I can make it so you plan it without me and i'll come along if I can. To be honest, my friends would rather have a night in with a dvd and a bottle of wine than leave one of us behind if they're a bit skint. Either that or we'll shout 'em a few drinks. It's more about the getting together than what we do now, but then we are getting old! :eek:
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