Friends going off to uni

17 Apr 2003
Hi guys

3 of my good friends are going off to uni this week and i'm gonna miss em :p, its a 5 hour drive to wales to visit one which isnt the sort of thing i can do every week and the others are a bit closer but still a trek :(

what have people here done when visint friends at uni? they say i can go up anytime but we want to make the most of it so what sort of things did you do? where did you sleep etc? are the unis ok with students having guests etc?

any advice would be great, i'm gonna be looking around the unis too cos im looking at going next year :)
Make new friends ;)

seriously though, i cant really be arsed to travel to visit my mates at uni lol... i mean, im at uni too so it aint a hassle for me...i got a lot of friends not at uni too though.
It various between institutions - some won't care who crashes where and will just get on with it, while others make you sign in and out and things. It shouldn't be a problem though.

Just crash on people's floors for a weekend. Bring a sleeping bag and some fabreeze ;)
At the moment I'm sure they mean it when they say come and visit at the weekends, but in a few weeks they will have made so many new friends at uni. They wont care if you visit or not, infact they might not event want you to, because they will be too busy with their new friends.

Its harsh but true - so I would do your best to find some new friends and then enjoy being with your old friends when they are back for their holidays.
Lagz said:
At the moment I'm sure they mean it when they say come and visit at the weekends, but in a few weeks they will have made so many new friends at uni. They wont care if you visit or not, infact they might not event want you to, because they will be too busy with their new friends.

Its harsh but true - so I would do your best to find some new friends and then enjoy being with your old friends when they are back for their holidays.

I'm in my third year now, and am still good friends with a few people from school. Yes, its hard to see each other apart from holidays but if that wasnt a barrier then I dont see any problems..
You dont forget your friends that easily tbh.
calnen said:
I'm in my third year now, and am still good friends with a few people from school. Yes, its hard to see each other apart from holidays but if that wasnt a barrier then I dont see any problems..
You dont forget your friends that easily tbh.

I didn't say they would no longer want to know him, I just said that the idea of visiting them regularly is unrealistic.

Obviously I would still expect them to hang out in the holidays and maybe do a few visits to each others' universities per year - but I think its unrealistic to expect much more than that, hence it will be necessary for him to make new mates at home.
Lagz said:
At the moment I'm sure they mean it when they say come and visit at the weekends, but in a few weeks they will have made so many new friends at uni. They wont care if you visit or not, infact they might not event want you to, because they will be too busy with their new friends.

Its harsh but true - so I would do your best to find some new friends and then enjoy being with your old friends when they are back for their holidays.

ive been told that before - but the certain friend in wales no-one, i mean no-one can make him laugh quite as much as me, the 2 of us are just so alike so i dont think it will be a problem :)

ive got plenty of friends from college, but they dont really share the same interests, i can chat for hours about music and cars to my old mates but the college guys arent the same :(

i went off to college last year and didnt see my old school friends for a few months, and we still get on fine (in fact they are the ones going to uni)

im not saying it will be the same as it is now - visiting for a few days every couple of months is fine, they'll be back at xmas anyway
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I moved away to uni and don't really keep in contact with anyone much that I knew at high school although I suspect that would be the case anyway. Those I do keep in contact with just come up and stay with me every so often or whenever I go home I make sure to meet up and do something so we keep in touch.

I'm more or less at the next stage now though where most of the original mates I made at uni have finished now and gone off to other parts of the country/world so I will either go visit them or they come back and visit me depending on what peoples schedules are like/who has money at the time. It is more hassle I suppose but if you actually want to keep in touch you will make the effort.
My brother is still best mates with his friend from secondary school, they see each other all the time during holidays. Probably because they live in the same town though, (when not in Uni that is). :p
im in same a same situation. fortunately some started to work so im not totally alone.

anyway for those going to uni i told them to get skype, so when ever people are on we have a conferrence. i think talking to someone is just as good as seeing them in real life.

although soon i will start to miss them, im sure.
so yeah,,,
i started uni last year and left all my friends in london. i stayed in touch with all my close friends and we are stil best friends and will be for life :cool:
Smiley Man said:
Hi guys

3 of my good friends are going off to uni this week and i'm gonna miss em :p, its a 5 hour drive to wales to visit one which isnt the sort of thing i can do every week and the others are a bit closer but still a trek :(

what have people here done when visint friends at uni? they say i can go up anytime but we want to make the most of it so what sort of things did you do? where did you sleep etc? are the unis ok with students having guests etc?

any advice would be great, i'm gonna be looking around the unis too cos im looking at going next year :)

Which welsh uni? My entire group of friends is splitting uup between the welsh unis (We live here = super cheap uni costs :) )

Not really bothered, all of us have at least one other person with them, and weve all been meeting freshers on univillage as well :)
Similar situation <

Anyway, I have been in the same very tight knit group of friends for about 6 years now, one friend went to uni in London last September, one stayed in Sheffield for uni, and two took a year out for various reasons. Anyway the other two went down to London last week leaving me with Sheffield uni friend, who unfortunately is probably the only one I can't spend time with alone as we just don't share as much in common, but we're great when we're all together.
Anyway, this leaves me basically alone, we've planned about 5 gigs in Sheffield / London over the next few months, but it still leaves a stupid amount of time alone with nothing to do. Anyway since I have no intentions of going to uni I've decided to start saving my money and I'm going to go travelling etc as soon as I can conjure enough cash to get out.
I'm sure going to miss my friends, but we did make the most out of our last year together and that's what counts.
It's weird....I don't "miss" anything after moving to uni...I've made new friends, everyone in our flat gets on really well, and we all call it home.....

Men who miss their friends when they move down a tiny little country like the UK aren't Real Men ;)
badgermonkey said:
Which welsh uni? My entire group of friends is splitting uup between the welsh unis (We live here = super cheap uni costs :) )

Not really bothered, all of us have at least one other person with them, and weve all been meeting freshers on univillage as well :)

aberystwyth - hes doing a degree in software engineering or something
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