From Dio to Sabbath

25 Feb 2006
I've always been into hard rock and metal since I discovered AC/DC at the age of 12. Recently I bought Dio's "Holy Diver" CD after hearing Jack Black sing a line from it in the Tenacious D movie (which by the way I loved). I think Holy Diver is brilliant on the whole and Dio's voice kicks some serious ass !

From Dio I then got both "Mob Rules" and "Heaven & Hell" by black Sabbath and they are brilliant albums too, which led me further into the Ozzy era Sabbath stuff as well.

Which led me to wonder why I had been ignoring Sabbath for so long ? How could I not have realised that they were brilliant ? All the signs pointed to it with countless bands covering them and citing them as an influence. I didn't realise that they had so much subtlety in their music too, e.g.. "Spiral Architect" and the ending of "Symptom of the Universe".

So basically I'm just glad to have discovered them and that I have at least 6 genuinely classic albums to listen to and digest in the coming days. Finding a new band for me (usually an older, more established act) is like striking musical gold !

Dio is touring with Sabbath under the "Heaven & Hell" name at the end of the year but I won't be able to catch them as I'm emigrating. Luckily they will be touring in Australia too !

Any other Sabbath / Dio fans out there ?
Huge fan of the Ozzy Era Sabbath stuff and a huge fan of Ozzy himself.
Not really listened to much of Sabbaths earlier stuff though.

Awesome band who don'tseem to quite get the credit they deserve at times.
penski said:
sabbath suck(ed)

Nice opinion, troll.

I was brought up on a diet of Sabbath, Purple, Queen etc during the 70's and my dad was always off seeing these sorts of bands. It got me into rock and metal, I still own a full back catalogue of Sabbath albums on vinly, even though I don't have a record player. IMHO they went downhill from Technical Ecstacy onwards, wasn't anywhere near as good as Sabotage.
Classic, timeless band that never took themselves too seriously! Certainly the Ozzy and to a lesser degree the Dio eras were the best, anything after that point never really hit the mark.
yep agreed, I have tried to listen to all the albums but they just don't sound right without Ozzy or Dio
riddlermarc said:
Nice opinion, troll.
you're welcome, darling.

Jaap74 said:
whats are you into penski ?

just about everything. I know that I say it a lot but there are no bad genres...only bad bands.

this morning, I've been on a bit of a 'new wave of britrock' kick...

crocketts, sona fariq, fifth amendment, huge baby, tung, cay, my vitriol, les savy fav, groop dogdrill...

CaPtBlaCk said:
Probably plenty of stuff that has been influenced by Sabbath over the years but not currently in vogue with penski’s click...

quality assumption there...please forgive me if I ****** on your cornflakes...

what do you think my 'click' is then? please enlighten me.

by the way, the word you are looking for is 'clique'.

I have always acknowledged sabbath's influence...I just happen to think they are gash and i'll rejoice when ozzy finally kicks it...the spineless, smiley-kneed peon.

Jaap74 said:
yep agreed, I have tried to listen to all the albums but they just don't sound right without Ozzy or Dio

I had the misfortune of being around as each of those post Dio albums were released, just disappointment after disappointment. Gillan is a great singer, but to me was the biggest mistake in any Sabbath line-up, his voice was just wrong for their style!!
penski said:
you're welcome, darling.
I've seen the pictures..
penski said:
by the way, the word you are looking for is 'clique'.
A grammar nazi as well as a music nazi :p

Penski, I'm glad you post in here 'cause you certainly mix things up - same as DMPoole, definite gems of this forum who aren't afraid to voice an opinion :)
penski said:
quality assumption there...please forgive me if I ****** on your cornflakes...

what do you think my 'click' is then? please enlighten me.

by the way, the word you are looking for is 'clique'.

I have always acknowledged sabbath's influence...I just happen to think they are gash and i'll rejoice when ozzy finally kicks it...the spineless, smiley-kneed peon.


Oooops, mortified by the spelling mistake, what can I say you got me there and I should have known better……

All I can say is that as posted above, you are trolling this thread due to your first post and have been lurking about waiting for the responses so that your ego can go into overdrive.

It’s nice that you acknowledge the influences, why could you have just not put that in the first place?
Jaap74 said:
never heard of those bands.... guess i'm not cool :p
dear, god! dmpoole is more 'down with the kids' than I am! :p

I just know what I like and listen to it...

the bands I listed...think circa 1998-2001 british alt/rock bands. back then I was attending 3 or 4 gigs per week. every week. all over the country.

now listening to miocene; one of the greatest rock bands that this country has ever produced and as for sabbath influence? zero.

CaPtBlaCk said:
Oooops, mortified by the spelling mistake, what can I say you got me there and I should have known better……
yes, you should have.

All I can say is that as posted above, you are trolling this thread due to your first post and have been lurking about waiting for the responses so that your ego can go into overdrive.

my opinion differs to yours; that is not trolling. ;)

It’s nice that you acknowledge the influences, why could you have just not put that in the first place?

because I believe in the beauty of a succinct reply.

Jaap74 said:
think I shall have to acquire some miocene to see what your tastes are like..... never say never !

grab their debut mini album 'refining the theory' for an easy introduction.

then get 'cellular memory' to see how they continued to push themselves and boundries...


edit: get A Perfect Life With a View of the Swamp too. their swansong :(
Jaap74 asked 'Any other Sabbath / Dio fans out there ?'

We all know your reply and now your in your element turning this thread into what you like...

I just know what I like and listen to it...

LOL, blatantly obvious...
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