From the fridge

6 Dec 2005
Does anyone else think certain foods taste nicer after you've cooked them and they have been in the fridge for a few hours or a day then you re-heat and eat them? Or just me?
You, however left out of the fridge for a day or two is a different matter. Like lasagne day or two later, covered but not in fridge. People are to terrified over nothing. Most food lasts a Surprisingly long time.
Well if I cook up some mince, mushrooms, pasta, throw in a can of chopped tomatoes, then if I've got some bacon or sausages I'll add them as well. Lots of cumin. Make a massive amount so it's 3 days worth of tea right there. Seems to taste much nicer the next few days, especially the spices what ever I put in, and smells a lot nicer I find. Yum yum yum.
Curry's and stews are always better the next day as the flavours have mingled and aged together. Also curry sandwiches the next day at work. OM NOM NOM.
I make a corn beef stew of which I am quite proud if I do say so myself but I always make it now at about midday or so ready for that evening (we eat about 7pm) it gives it chance to sit and mingle everything together it really is worth the wait.

As for curry the following day I have but one word... EPIC!

Left over (home made or take away) curry, chilli or anything saucy can taste better the next day if preserved well and hygienically!

Pizza does not stand the test of time so well I have found.
I think any food where you can continue cooking it for hours benefits from this, so things like stews/sauces/curries.

I've seen recipes for bolegnese which say "simmer for 24 hours" so cooking it or leaving it to rest until the next day can certainly improve flavour.

You can't do it for a roast dinner or steak and chips though. :D
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