From (TV Series)

Enjoying it though definitely had quite vivid dreams of being chased by scary **** monsters the night we watched it.

Not a paedophile man needs to get better with boundaries and the father needs to improve how he expresses himself. The daughter is right at the top of my annoying list.
seems pretty good but weird as hell.
I'm intrigued but wondering if it loses it self and never answers questions like Lost
Not sure about this, i'll probably watch S1 through, but kinds of feel like i've seen it before. It strikes me as one of those concept plotline series that lasts a season or two before cancellation and rapidly runs out of ideas.

Whilst i certainly found the first two episodes a bit creepy, its dropped the ball since.

Theres been very little of the ghosts or whatever they are and although the victim bodies are gruesome, theres been very little of them in the last 3 episodes and nothing of them actually attacking bar a brief head into that shed.

Its almost like they used the budget in the 1st few episodes.
One really cringing thing in these shows is there always a Chinese person talking in their own language to everyone who doesn't understand yet they continue to do so. Get someone who can actually talk Cantonese because it's atrocious. She so bad she comes across like she has some mental disorder.
Good episode, but still cant see how this sustains itself over multiple seasons without massively dragging and constantly rewriting the rules like Lost.
Well this has promise but is turning into a steaming pile of....

There's only about 2-3mins of actually driving the story forward per episode. The opening sequence and recap takes up more time. The rest is some terrible family drama.

Perhaps they can saving it in the final episode but I won't hold my breath. Shame as the mystery surrounding the place and the 'monsters' is interesting. There's just too much filler and some pretty bad writing.
Well that was interesting.

What are the zombies? Where are they from? Previous inhabitants of the villiage?

Was hoping for a few more flashback episodes showing how the main cast arrived - i know we had a couple but wanted more.

Looks like more folks just arrived without answering the main questions from this season.

Is there a season 2?
I actually enjoyed this all the way through. I hope we get a second series.

Knowing that it's by the same writers as lost means that ultimately there will probably be no pay off though.
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