FRO's New and first ever self constructed rig

Looks great :) As much as I love Corsair products, I'm glad I went for the Antec CPU cooler, it looks much nicer IMO with the smoother pipes.

Also, I fitted my SSD in the slot round the back, means all cables are hidden :) Plus I'm using the drive bay adaptor for my Samsung F3 drive since I remove the HDD cage for the graphics card :p

Looking great though, the SSD is amazing isn't it? :D Yours is running twice as fast as mine though, damn SATA2 :(
Aye Andy I was looking to put mine there! But too many cables around the back as it is so I said no!

Totally agree about the Antec Khuler as well, if that had been £30 at the time as well I would have gone for one. But as they pretty much perform the same, £30 for a H50 was a bargain I couldn't and wouldn't refuse.

Cheers though lads, just the cable braiding needed to smarten it up me thinks :p
Fair enough £30 is a bargain :)

I need to braid some cables, but my PC sits on the floor and I can't even see in it, not much point, most are hidden anyway :D
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