Full Baldurs Gate Run

If i can get a copy of baldurs gate2 plus expansion pack is it worth getting, i borrowed it off a mate and only played it for about 2 mins and just didnt like the graphics, im so vain :p
If i do get it ill get really stuck into it while in between oblivion and red orchestra :p
Oh God, I remeber playing those games for hours only to get every single quest solved (can you say LEVEL 20+ in Underdark? Sure you can :D ). Things like destroying the Twisted rune at level 12 and then Kangax right after that - oh the happy days of gaming :). BTW if you want to start with BG1 go for the Paladin and then change to Cavalier (or Inquisitor if you don't mind loosing spells and lay on hands) in BG2 - by the end of Throne of Bhaal my char wrecked havoc with Foebane +5 and Purifier +5 - there was no stopping him :)
AndyBorzi said:
I never got on with Torment. I made it outside the dungeon/prison or whatever it was called and then gave up! Have I missed a lot with this game?

I loved every minute of BG2 but Torment gets my coveted 'favourite game of all time'. And that's out of a very large number of good games:)
I had a choice of buying red orchestra or baldurs gate 2+throne of baal and i stupidly bought RO :(

Is this game really worth getting how good can it be. I really loved diablo 2 and from time to time have a little play on it.
Is it true that its huge game.
bakes0310 said:
I had a choice of buying red orchestra or baldurs gate 2+throne of baal and i stupidly bought RO :(

Is this game really worth getting how good can it be. I really loved diablo 2 and from time to time have a little play on it.
Is it true that its huge game.

It the BBW of its type but not quite a woman. Your fall into the bg2 realm quite easily.

Lots of depth and hours of game play and should be pretty cheap now.

I may rebuy it if its on dvd as I have it on about 5 cds :(
Bump because I've finally got "BG Tutu" running. Takes ages to install the 11 CD's required for both games (reminds me of the days of floppy disk swapping!)

But for anyone thinking of doing it, it tarts up BG1 no end :) Runs fantastically, and it allows lots of extra classes from the start - I've started off as a Monk, but I think I've realised why it wasn't in BG1 to start with...they're useless :D

I cant hit a thing, I'm just a walking punchbag :p

But give it a go if your thinking of it - great little mod :)
No, IIRC the "Dark Alliance" console games were more action orientated - BG on the PC is pure RPG.

And I'm not sure if I'm just being crap, or BG is harder than I remember, but I'm really struggling :( Getting hammered left right and centre even in chapter 1! Playing on the 'Core Rules' difficulty, which I'm sure I used to play as before.
Holy Thread Resurrection, Batman! :D

Incidentally, I'm still doing my run. My Monk* is now level 6, and I've just entered Baldurs Gate. Trying to play it inbetween WoW and other things, so its slow progress. Huge fun though :)

*If your thinking about it, don't bother :P A level 1 Monk is like a Mage without any spells, totally useless. They're hard work at the start of BG2 (Lvl8/9) but in BG1 they're just walking targets. Great fun seeing him develop though. Shame he's still useless :p
BG1 + BG2 + BGTutu = BG1 at 1280x1024 or even higher :cool:

Its got a few minor bugs - Mainly that my journal and quest log doesn't work right, so I write down all my quests. Other than that, its rocking :)
Its a mod which converts all the BG1 content into the BG2 engine (so you need both games).


Allows all the high resolutions, all the various classes and kits (although some don't work very well at level 1, ie the Monk :P) and the BG2 interface. Works really well, and its certainly better than playing in 640x480!
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