Full custom builds from Overclockers

12 Sep 2019
Hi there,

I've been out of the PC building scene for a while (In fact the last PC I bought was a pre-built overclockers one back in 2010!). I have an exact idea of the build I want, but I don't really have the time/skill to build it myself and Overclockers did an EXCELLENT job last time (Cable management was perfect, had to RMA some RAM and they were brilliant through the entire process), so I'm wanting them to build one for me again.

I was just wondering, if I had a parts list (All available on overclockers.co.uk) is there a set fee I can pay to get them to build it for me? I've looked through all the config/custom builds on the site and nothing quite matches what I want.

tldr: If I give Overclockers a parts list will they build me a pc and what would the cost be?


Quantum Sheep
Unfortunately my budget isn't stretching that far (want to ideally spend about £1k total). Wanting something that's a decent upgrade to my 1060 3gb and thought maybe the RX5700 would be good value?
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