9 Aug 2006
Hi all, pretty sure the sammy hdd in my laptop is dying bought a 7k rpm seagate, is it possible to fully copy every file onto the new disc without format and stuff, i know seatools can do a lot of it but past experiances havent worked 100% anyone know if there is an easy way to do this?
While both Ghost and True Image can both make image copies of your current HDD the fact that it's in a laptop complicates things a touch. To make an image copy you'll need to either connect both HDDs to the lappy (less hassle) or image to DVDs and then restore it from there. To connect a second HDD to a laptop you'll probably need to acquire a USB caddy for the new disk.
rpstewart said:
While both Ghost and True Image can both make image copies of your current HDD the fact that it's in a laptop complicates things a touch. To make an image copy you'll need to either connect both HDDs to the lappy (less hassle) or image to DVDs and then restore it from there. To connect a second HDD to a laptop you'll probably need to acquire a USB caddy for the new disk.
i have a caddy but as the drives are sata can i not use my main system when my new mobo arrives?
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