Mickey_D said:Smart kids, actually.
My mum was a nurse in the plastic surgery ward in Glasgow. She said that when the motorcycle (anything two-wheeled with an engine was a suicycle to her) accident victims werre brought in, there were three categories:
1. Wearing helmet and leathers - give 'em a check for whiplash and a concussion and release them.
Done that. Staggered away from the accident with a bruised shoulder
2. Helmet but no leathers - send 'em straight to the plastic surgery ward for years' worth of painful skin grafts.
Done that. Didn't need the plastic surgery, but still have a few scars to show for it.
3. No helmet - send 'em straight to the morgue. There's no helping them.
Sort of done this. Came off a bicycle and gave myself a mild concussion. I was lucky because I hit a field. 1 metre to the left and I would have hit a tree.