*** Full Res Ultrawide Screenshot Thread ***

A few to feast your eye's on from Steep





Star Citizen - At Security post Kareah, View of crusader.


I actually use Imgur to upload, i do this because it has great integration with Share X meaning i can screenshot and ether set it to automatically upload if i want ( usually turn it off though ) or i can right click the image and upload with sharex and by the time i get to the imgur website it's uploaded in my account ready to share.
What are these 2 from?



I'm guessing the second is a far cry 4 promo/rendered image? Cause my far cry 4 looked nothing like that! :p

Personally I think it is best to keep those sort of images for a 21.9 wallpaper thread or something along those lines as they aren't really in game "screenshots", either that or rename the thread to "Full Res Ultrawide Image Thread" :p
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From top to bottom on Strings post

DeusX ( top 5 images )
Witcher 3
GTA V ( 2 images )
next one is not a game im sure, i think it's a fan art of a cyberpunk style character.
Witcher 3 ( 3 images )
farcry 4
Witcher 3

Star citizen ship size comparison

Left to right - Super hornet - Buccaneer - Avenger stalker

Funny the Bucc is a tiny ship but has some seriously destructive fire power arguably more than both the other ships.

@Nexus18 the Batman one is cracking looking, and yes fan art is fine... It's all much of a muchness to me.

I've updated the Dropbox with latest images so hopefully it's useful to some. I like to have these as desktop background and rotate random every minute.
Star Citizen ( again )

Drake Buccaneer - Port Olisar launch pad :


Drake Buccaneer - ICC Probe :


Drake Herald - Yela asteroid belt / moon & Crusader :


My new most prized possession - My Tophat & Diamond Monocle recieved for becoming a member of the concierge

few of screens from our star citizen session tonight.

Not entirely sure what was going on here. Think someone had been watching titanic.

Humbug standing below one of my torpedoes

Love this shot from inside the retaliator.
Harry, i didn't realise landing on an asteroid was possible!

Gregster, lovely shots, that game is definitely on my list when it comes down in price a bit.
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