Category AM (moped) – minimum age 16
two-wheeled vehicle with a maximum design speed of 45 km/h (28 mph)
three- or four-wheeled vehicle with a maximum design speed over 25 km/h (15.5 mph), up to 50 cc and with a power output not exceeding 4 kW.
Category A1 – minimum age 17
motorcycles up to 125 cc, with a power output not exceeding 11 kW
tricycles with a power output not exceeding 15 kW.
Category A2 – minimum age 19
motorcycles with a power output not exceeding 35 kW.
Category A
unrestricted motorcycles with a power output over 35 kW (minimum age 24 under direct access, or 21 under progressive access)
tricycles with a power output over 15 kW (minimum age 21).