I have a Shark Evoline and am happy to accept the trade-off against a normal helmet (weight, noise, risk) for the comfort & convenience. I always take it on/off with the chin bar open. Comes off without needing to remove specs and I just hold them in my mouth when I put it on. Never had any bother in shops/petrol stations with it, apart from one time coming into work when I forgot to put the sunvisor up.
It's homologated with the chin bar up or down, so legal either way. More importantly the visor is separate so you can have open face with the visor down. I rarely ride it that way though, as I prefer the security of the chin bar.
Nolan N44 looks pretty cool, I'd love to try one on. Think I'd miss being able to flip the chin bar onto the back of my head though, rather than having it as a separate piece.