fun mp browser game

Got bored of getting big, i get to about 400-500 or so mass and start trying to pop the bigger guys :) Some Turk was leader for ages last night, so went in and popped him, he then got utterly swallowed by the other 2 or 3 players :) Would love to have heard is rage quit on me :)
How do you do that SPG? i was huge earlier (over 4000 mass) and someone fired into a spike which in turn burst me into smaller blobs where i immediately got devoured by other players :(

Around the map are some green spiked blobs.

When you are small you can hide under them.

However if you are larger than the blob and move into it it pops you.
(note that eating someone hiding under the blob can make you big enough to get popped on the spot)

This is one reason why large players blobs avoid the green spiked blobs.

The OTHER reason is that by pressing W a player blob can "feed" a green spiked blob causing it to get bigger and eventually split, throwing out a second green blob from the opposite side. If this hits a large player blob they will explode, becoming smaller blobs that can be more easily preyed on.
Got bored of getting big, i get to about 400-500 or so mass and start trying to pop the bigger guys :) Some Turk was leader for ages last night, so went in and popped him, he then got utterly swallowed by the other 2 or 3 players :) Would love to have heard is rage quit on me :)

I swear every game I go on there is a Turk near the top if not first!
Very addictive game and well balanced, got to about 8000 mass at the top last night but rapidly lose mass at that point, stops people just turtling in safety which is always good.
just spent the past 5 hours in the team game, we dominated it for a very long time , so funny watching the others pop when either a) I hit a star into them or b) we run them into a star and POP ! lol

me and one guy helped each other out to get bigger to catch the others, when he's caught he then releases a lot of mass back at me :)

I find that when your really big and dominating the board, you can then split a few times so that your mass drops more slowly
It's funny how something so simple can be so time consuming. I thought I'd just play for a little since I have actual games to play and I end up spending 2 hours!

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