Funny social faux pas...

University post-finals dinner in the Senior Common Room.

Me, verr drunk. Head tutor mid way through his speech.

I stand up, rather shakily.....he stops, mid sentence.

'Id jusht like to shay...<pause for dramatic effect>'re all a bunch of <expleteive deleted>s'

Suffice to say - its the swearie that is probably considered the most offensive of all the swearies....

3 minutes later, after he's carried on, I do EXACTLY the same thing again.

I have no recollection of this, but was told, seperately, by 3 different people the next day.

Thank god I'd already passed my finals....
Skidmark said:
haha, that's class :)

Back on topic, I know a kid who was walking down the street with his Taiwanese girlfriend and asked: "Hey babe, do you fancy a chinkies?".

My ex's parents (different ex to the one above) owned the Chinky in my town.

Similar first-night-introduction meal thing.

"I didn't realise you owned the Chinkies."

"Yeah! :D"

Her parents were cool.

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