Funny thing just happened

4 Apr 2006
Right last night I started downloading the free FEAR mutliplayer, it was going really slow so I left it on overnight, when I woke up this morning it was ready so I installed and loaded it up. For some reason it couldnt find any servers, so I decided to host a server, not really for fun but just to basically see how the game looked and how it handled etc. So I ran about shooting walls for a while and then it dawned on me why it couldnt find any servers, my firewall! So I pressed the windows key to see if I could bring up my firewall and allow it, but nothing seemed to happen, so pressed escape and chose quit, and as I did so my firewall message popped up about a new program asking for access etc etc, so I allowed it but decided against going straight back in and instead opted for some early morning CS:S. Everything felt fine, but for some reason I was only getting about 60fps, sometimes as low as 40fps... I cant really tell the difference with my eyes but I thought something must be up for my comp to drop from 110+ to 40. Even tho my ping averaged about 30, for some reason it was spiking up to 250-300, and it even got me kicked from one server. I guessed my computer had been on too long or something so I just exited and (forgetting to reboot) jumped in the bath. I've not been well recently so I had a nice long relaxing one. When I came back to the computer I noticed something running in the bottom left hand corner, I thought so little of it I didnt even bother to read the program name before I clicked on it, I was half expecting those annoying steam adds you get when you come out of steam games... but to my suprise, up pops FEAR. It was still on the "Are you sure you want to quit?" screen, and on top of that there were people playing on my server! The whole morning I had inadvertantly been hosting a FEAR server... while I played CS:S, and while I was in the bath. No wonder I had reduced performance, altho I'm quite happy with the way my comp handled playing two top end games at the same time. In the end I felt a wee bit bad about quitting the game, cos it looked like there was a little community starting on my comp :p
lol quality,

used to do that with cs at work, used to run cs as as server on my desktop, go with a mate to a hidden area in the building and log in and play a match against each other with bots.

One day went back to my desk carried on working and was wondering why it was slow, forgot to shut down the server lol.

Bots were doing some serious butt kicking!!

Note this was on the lan not over the web lol i aint that bad at work ;)
Yeah I knew there was something wrong with it as i was doing it, but i couldnt figure out what. Its been such a long time since I was a regular poster anywhere but I'm quite liking this place now, so I'll remember in future :p
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