Furlough to Voluntary Redundancy

8 Feb 2004
In the wetlands...
Hi all,

I have been furloughed since the end of March which has been a blessing as it has allowed for me to take a lead on childcare whilst the school is out.

However, I have been asked to keep a bi-weekly check on my work email for updates, and among the more recent ones has been a call for expressing an interest in voluntary redundancy. There has been no revised structure shared, nor indication on those at risk - just that there will be some voluntary redundancies, and probably some additional to this (as they consolidate roles).

I have worked very hard for the Company over the past 10 years, putting them and deadlines above any CPD that I may have wanted to do, but now feel like I find myself very much in the position that my role will be one of those that has been identified as one that could be lost (very niche role, but a busy one).

I don't expect specific advice with regards to my current situation, but just feedback from anyone that may have been through a similar process - we have been asked to express interest, with no firm commitment and no impact should we decline what's on offer at this stage - but is this likely to actually be the case? Or if I express an interest am I likely to be top of any list when it comes to the next cull?
Notice period is a week per year of service - so 10 weeks, nothing in contract about voluntary redundancy (will have to look up if there’s any online annexes, but certainly nothing in the paperwork I signed).
It's a large firm (multiple offices); there's been no feedback on the process yet - and there's been something of a change of tone in the past week with regards to performance (as long as they are factoring in that they furloughed a chunk of the workforce in this calculation it's better news).

They did not detail what voluntary redundancy packages would look like (changes from person to person), but they did use the term 'enhanced' when it came to terms on offer.

I would not put it past them to withdraw the redundancy talk at this stage, and for it to re-appear again a few months down the line but with added urgency.
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