Fuse Box in the Living Room

You have little to no chance of them moving it now, If you were in the electrical 1st fix stage you might of had a chance, but you seem to be in the 2nd fix stage and it would require them ripping ceilings down etc. I'm willing to bet your electric meter is going to be directly below in the car Port and this was the best place electrically for the consumer unit. Placing it in the hall would require a long run of the mains tails which isn't great.
As above, if it has already been installed then you stand no chance of getting them to move it. Could you get them to box it in via a cabinet / wall unit?
I don't think I've been to a new build in the last 10 or so years that hasn't had the fuse box in the utility room. With the meter directly outside the utility room on the external wall. With solid floors common, they wire down for the ground floor now, rather than up as in days of old.

In all the houses I've been in, I don't ever recall seeing a fuse box in the main living room, let alone presenting directly in view line as the first thing you see on the opposite wall to the entry door.
Is this commonly done in England?
Why not place it in the utility room, where people don't see it?
Op I'd go the cabinet and shelving route on that wall, box it in with faux cupboard at top and shelving, or further cupboard type doors below.

Problem is it's where my Sofa is planning to go, so the unit would be right above it :(

Not had an official response back from them yet, giving them until Wednesday at least.

If they refuse to move it, then what is a reasonable level of compensation to receive on the price of a £150k property? I would seek something in return for this mistake as it's one they told me they were going to address, then didn't!
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must have got lucky and the cables run that way or something.

Good news indeed :) enjoy your new home.
Yeah, would be nice to say I could withhold buying it if needed, but in all honesty I needed to move out of here, and I have things on order for it around the end of the month.

Other than the Consumer Unit I was happy with everything else, I'll book another visit in, and this time pay more attention to the rest :D
Where is the utility cupboard in relation to where it is?
other side of that wall or something?
Wonder how they can move it so easily at this stage?

No it's fairly far away (read: a few metres as the crow flies), along a different wall. No idea what's involved in the logistics but guess they must have some kind of plan?!
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