G.Skill memory question

29 Sep 2004
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Im using the G.Skill 2GB DDR2 HZ PC2-6400 on the EVGA nforce 680i board

The stock timings are 4-4-4-12 T1

I have changed them to 3-3-3-12 T1 but im not really sure what im doing when it comes to altering timings
Have I done this right?
What should be the next step in pushing the timings tighter
Its down from 800mhz to 750mhz but thats due to my overclocking the processor from 2.4ghz to 3.2ghz it would not run at 1:1 anymore
Yes its totally stable

Just ran SuperPi 1M in 15.8 seconds :D
Good stuff!

Try 3-3-3-8, and then either of the middle timings.

Tho it's odd that it won't run 1:1 @400x9. Have you tried 2T?
Ill give it another look maybe im doing something wrong :confused:
Im new to this OC lark ;)
Dont want to go to T2, T1 is 25% faster so I hear
On AMD systems the difference between 1T and 2T was higher than current Intel systems.

You do take a hit, but it's usually made up by higher memory overclocks on 2T.
Is there a bench mark program I can use to rate diff settings on memory?
Ive fiddled in the bios and ive had to go back to 4-4-4-12 T1 to get 830mhz bandwidth.
Dont know if that will be faster than 3-3-3-12 T1 with 750mhz bandwidth
Try Everests or Sandras memory benchmarks.

Tho Super-Pi is quite memory sensitive.
Cheers for that :D
Im going to give it a whirl with stock timings and boost up the bandwidth as far as i can go on T1... then try T2 and compare :D

OOOOO saturday night fun ;)
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