From what I recall when Battlenonsense did a complete button to pixel test under best case scenario G-Sync best case was 9ms and FreeSync 11ms so it is strictly true but in reality the average is so close no one would notice the difference. FreeSync does take a slight latency penalty around the LFC window due to how it uses PSR in a way not originally intended which sometimes mean you get 1 additional frame of latency in a transition from a framerate drop to high framerates again - but again that generally isn't a factor if you are maintaining reasonably good framerates in the first place.
His statement isn’t true though, as he is saying Freesync has lag and G-Sync does not. Pretty sure that is inaccurate.
Besides, 2ms is so little that I doubt hardly anyone one can tell the difference.
But reading some people’s post you would think there is a huge difference between freesync and g-sync. Lol.
The main reason I have G-Sync is because at the time of purchase it was the only way of getting 4K with a bigger range than 40-60. Also I could see how far AMD had fallen behind and for 4K I would be needing nvidia gpu’s to drive it for quite a few years. Looking forward to the 3000 series at the moment